Correction: MtDNA depleted PC3 cells exhibit Warburg effect and cancer stem cell features
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Present: Due to incorrect labeling on the part of the authors, it was discovered that a different set of cell lines was used than those initially published. The authors confirmed that all the research data presented in this paper were based on in vitro studies with human CRPC DU145 cells, and not with human CRPC PC3 cells. Therefore, the correct title for this paper should be:“MtDNA depleted DU145 cells exhibit Warburg effect and cancer stem cell features.”In addition, the gene symbols presented in this paper were mistakenly used. The correct style of gene symbols for any PCR and transcriptome analyses ofDU145 and mtDNA depleted DU145 cells in this study should be with all characters italic and capitalized.
Corrected: The proper designation of cell lines and labels are found below. The authors deeply apologize for any confusion or inconvenience that this mistake may have caused.
Original article: Oncotarget. 2016; 7(26):40297-40313. DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.9610.
The authors regret to inform that DU145 human castration resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) cells were used instead of human CRPC PC3 cells in this paper. The authors pointed out that the mistake was due to the incorrect tube labeling, and such a mistake was discovered by a series of cell line genotyping after the publication of this manuscript. The authors confirmed that all the research data presented in this paper were based on in vitro studies with human CRPC DU145 cells, and not with human CRPC PC3 cells. Therefore, the correct title for this paper should be: MtDNA depleted DU145 cells exhibit Warburg effect and cancer stem cell features.In addition, the gene symbols presented in this paper were mistakenly used, according to the guidelines for human gene nomenclature [1], in specific rule: “Names start with a lower case letter unless it is a person’s name describing a disease/phenotypeor a capitalised abbreviation e.g. AHDS “Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome” and ABCA1 “ATP-binding cassette,sub-family A (ABC1), member 1”, respectively.”. Therefore the correct style of gene symbols for any PCR and transcriptome analyses of DU145 and mtDNA depleted DU145 cells in this study should be with all characters italic and capitalized.These errors do not affect any scientific measures and experimental conclusions of this paper. The authors deeply apologize for any confusion or inconvenience that this mistake may have caused. Genotyping data for the control and experimental cells are available upon request. A complete list of specific corrections are showing as follows.

PII: 14800