Green tea extract for prevention of prostate cancer progression in patients on active surveillance
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Nagi B. Kumar1, Shohreh I. Dickinson2, Michael J. Schell3, Brandon J. Manley4, Michael A. Poch4 and Julio Pow-Sang4
1H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute, Inc., Cancer Epidemiology, MRC/CANCONT, Tampa, FL 33612-9497, USA
2H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute, Inc., Pathology Anatomic MMG, WCB-GU PROG, Tampa, FL 33612-9497, USA
3H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute, Inc., Biostatics and Bioinformatics, MRC-BIOSTAT, Tampa, FL 33612-9497, USA
4H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute, GU Oncology MMG, Tampa, FL 33612-9497, USA
Correspondence to:
Nagi B. Kumar, email: [email protected]
Keywords: chemoprevention; prostate cancer; active surveillance; green tea catechins; prostate cancer progression
Received: October 03, 2018 Accepted: December 10, 2018 Published: December 28, 2018
Background: Active surveillance (AS) has evolved as a management strategy for men with low grade prostate cancer (PCa). However, these patients report anxiety, doubts about the possible progression of the disease as well as higher decisional conflict regarding selection of active surveillance, and have been reported to ultimately opt for treatment without any major change in tumor characteristics. Currently, there is a paucity of research that systematically examines alternate strategies for this target population.
Methods: We conducted a review the evidence from epidemiological, in vitro, preclinical and early phase trials that have evaluated green tea catechins (GTC) for secondary chemoprevention of prostate cancer, focused on men opting for active surveillanceof low grade PCa.
Results: Results of our review of the in vitro, preclinical and phase I-II trials, demonstrates that green tea catechins (GTC) can modulate several relevant intermediate biological intermediate endpoint biomarkers implicated in prostate carcinogenesis as well as clinical progression of PCa, without major side effects.
Discussion: Although clinical trials using GTC have been evaluated in early phase trials in men diagnosed with High-Grade Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia, Atypical Small Acinar Proliferation and in men with localized disease before prostatectomy, the effect of GTC on biological and clinical biomarkers implicated in prostate cancer progression have not been evaluated in this patient population.
Conclusion: Results of these studies promise to provide a strategy for secondary chemoprevention, reduce morbidities due to overtreatment and improve quality of life in men diagnosed with low-grade PCa.
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PII: 26519